miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2013




1. Get my law degree
2. Be fluent in French
3. Pass the TOEFL test


4. Make at least one scrapbook a year (0/3)
5. Make at least one puzzle a year (0/3)
6. Blog (specially to keep track of my progress with this list)
7. Join a photography group / club
8. Make journals as a “Leisure Book” and "My Adventure Journal"
9. Watch a sunrise
10. Watch a sunset
11. Make a mix CD for each year (0/3)
12. Go to a live concert at least once a year (0/3)
13. Go to Port Aventura
14. Learn rock climbing
15. Learn belly dance
16. Go to the cinema or rent a film at least once a week (0/143)
17. Watch a F1 race in person
18. Join a book club / group
19. Pack an elaborate picnic lunch and have a great evening at “Cinema a la Fresca” at summer
20. Make a time capsule
21. Have a comfort box prepared, for me or for a friend, with chocolate, wine, books, magazines ...
22. Have a good reflex digital photo camera
23. Have a Lomo camera


25. Run 5 km., 10 km. and half-marathon races
26. Work out 5 days a week.
27. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. First one in the morning with lemon juice
28. Get down to 56 – 57 kg. and stay there!!!
29. Become a vegan
30. Go on long bike rides
31. Get my medical checkups done
32. Floss at least night in night out
33. Go to dentist at least once a year (0/3)
34. Cut sweets and soda for 30 consecutive days, then restrict sweets and pastry to once a fortnight
35. Make yoga a habit
36. Get new eyeglasses done
37. Go to gym at lunch hour


38. Buy a Notebook
39. Move to a flat / studio in BC
40. Make a crochet blanket for my bed
41. Bring reusable grocery bags or the shopping cart to shopping
42. Make improvements to my home, mainly kitchen (add a dishwasher), bathroom and new shades for the living room and my bedroom
43. Redecorate my home. Buy a big sofa and a big bed for the second room.
44. Sort, shred and toss old papers and bills.
45. Get fresh cut flowers at least every fortnight (0/67)
46. Get a studio room at home
47. Take good care of my possessions
48. Host proper dinners / parties at home
49. Have some electronic home supplies (black and decker, kitchen supplies …)
50. Complete and organize my library, CD and DVD collections.
51. De-clutter and de-own


52. Read
53. Go to theatre at least twice a year (0/6)
54. Attend exhibitions at museums at least once a month (0/36)
55. Go to the opera or to a classical music concert at least once a year


57. Get my living will done
58. Get a nude portrait done
59. Donate blood twice a year (0/6)


60. Pay off my credit cards (0/2)
61. Pay off C and A loans (0/2)
62. Save at least 3.000 Euros
63. Get loose change rolled and put into the savings account
64. Contribute to my retirement account monthly (0 / 36)
65. Keep a daily spending record


66. Make a grocery list weekly (0/143)
67. Transfer all my loose recipes, lists, cards into organized binders
68. Send friends birthday packages, birthday cards, Christmas cards … so they arrive on or before the due date
69. Get my pictures organized or into frames
70. Plan what I am wearing to work the night before
71. Get rid or donate the things I don’t need. Ruthlessly go through my stuff to trim it down
72. Organize closets
73. Clean out china cabinets twice a year (0/6)
74. Clean out the canned goods cupboard twice a year (0/6)
75. Organize linen closet
76. Wash all the house windows and fridge once each season (0/12)


77. Get a professional massage once a month (0/36)
78. Get my manicure and pedicure done once a month (0/36)
79. Have my legs waxed once a month (0/36)
80. Buy organic / natural beauty products
81. Get a facial each season (0/12)
83. Get enough sleep


84. Read about Buddhism
85. Learn how to meditate
86. Send thank you notes for all gifts received
87. Identify 5 bad habits and work on getting rid of them
When I get wound up work on not raising my voice
Stick to when I say I’ll do something. Do it.
88. Thank compliments
89. Work the "201X More / Less Lists" (0/3) and "201X Life and Biz Workbooks" (0/3)
89. Write a "Gratitude Journal" and a "Pleasures Journal"
90. Art Journal


90. Spend a fortnight in London
91. Sleep in the desert / mountain under the stars
92. Travel for a long weekend (3 – 4 days) to a city of Europe at least twice a year (0/6)
93. Drive from NY or Washington to Ithaca
94. Spend a week in Ibiza and Formentera
95. Send postcards whenever I travel
96. Have a full spa weekend
97. Go on a road trip
98. Go backpacking / hiking


99. Find a position that I love abroad. Get hired!
100. Have my CV professionally updated


101. Start a new 101 list

2 comentarios:

  1. Hey there, great list of things to do!! You got some WOW things happening - good luck with your journey!!

  2. great list honey, i want to do some things .P

